
Market dynamics are changing how the world views grain trade

A ship is loaded with wheat before being sent to global markets.

位于威斯康星州苏必利尔的CHS终端., 运送了近40艘船(每艘船相当于800半箱)的春小麦, 硬质小麦, canola and flax to global markets through the St. 劳伦斯航道.


读者注意:本文中的信息反映了东欧最近事件发生前的情况. All of us at CHS hope a peaceful resolution will be reached soon.

毫无疑问,这是一个复杂的时期. 从极端天气模式到通货膨胀,从供应链备份到国际冲突, agriculture trade has been playing a steady game of dodgeball since 2018.

With increased competition from regions like the Black Sea and South America, 在向世界供应粮食和油籽方面,美国不像10年或20年前那么重要了.  

由于全球其他地方的农民拥有更低的土地和劳动力成本,并且正在改善交通基础设施,市场竞争正变得更加激烈. 国际上对转基因种子技术的接受程度越来越高,这也使他们受到鼓舞.  

你怎么能.S. 农民不仅为今天,而且为子孙后代继续确保粮食市场准入?  

“在今天的商品贸易环境中, 与合作系统和组织的联系,确保市场准入和美国的新机会.S. 农民比以往任何时候都更加重要,Brian Schouvieller说, 高级副总裁, 全球贸易和风险澳门皇冠赌场平台, CHS全球谷物 & 处理

他说:“农民需要能在种植当天就想办法出售作物的合作伙伴. 在CHS, farmers’ best interests drive every decision we make every day.” 


2018年美国.S.中美关税形势鲜明地提醒人们,平衡国内和国际市场的价值,以及不将业务集中在一个国家的重要性. 过去12个月,CHS全球粮食 & 加工团队专注于与一些关键国家建立关系并扩大出口量.

“增加我们的国际粮食营销足迹使我们有更多的选择,为农民确保最佳的市场价值和价格,布莱斯·班菲尔德说, 副总统, 市场营销, CHS全球谷物 & 处理. “在世界各地都有员工,这使我们不仅可以与大型粮食和食品客户建立关系, but with middle-sized and small customers that eventually turn into large buyers.”

“在确定新兴市场时, 我们首先需要看看经济活动, changing food preferences and purchasing habits and birth rates,肯·埃里克森说, who heads up client advisory and development in commodities, transportation and infrastructure for IHS Markit. “There are still a lot of unknowns that will be coming out of the pandemic, 但看到东南亚和非洲等地区可能出现的大量机会和投资,令人着迷.”


A chart shows increasing world population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa


在亚洲, 埃里克森说, 消费者的饮食和偏好正在转向更多地以蛋白质为基础,人均收入也在增加, so consumers there can afford higher-quality meat products. 同时, 畜牧业实践正在改善,从后院饲料操作转向猪和家禽生产的复杂垂直整合.

A chart shows continued rise in consumption of poultry, but a fall in beef consumption.
Poultry consumption is expected to continue to rise in the next 10 years.


“China will always be a major player when it comes to soybean and soybean meal demand,埃里克森补充道, “but now we’re seeing those same patterns in Malaysia, 泰国和越南. And unlike China, those Southeast Asian countries still have a steady population growth.

“我们还看到潮湿的露天食品市场越来越少,东南亚的超市和小卖部等受控环境越来越多, 所以我们很好奇消费是如何, buying behaviors and demand will continue to evolve.” 


新兴市场往往没有足够的规模经济和基础设施来成为主要的粮食购买者, but 埃里克森说 that’s not a reason to overlook Africa and the Middle East.

“在过去的20年里, 非洲和中东所有国家的人口和出生率都在上升,并将继续增长. In Africa, the population eats 2 to 3 kilograms [4.4 to 6.6 pounds] of meat per person per year,” says Eriksen. “与美国相比.S. 和欧洲, where the average is 35 kilos and 25 kilos per person, 分别, and there’s tremendous room for growth per year. 

“在过去的五年里, 我们看到整个非洲动物饲料化合物和玉米的进口水平显著增加. 当你将这些数字与中国进行比较,并考虑到未来5到10年的人口密度和出生率时, we’re predicting Africa will be importing the same amount of grain as China,他补充道. 

罗曼·维鲁,CHS全球谷物皇冠hga010安卓二维码 & 总部设在日内瓦的加工营销人员, 瑞士, 侧重于卫生保健供应链的实力以及合作社和农场主识别欧洲市场增长机会的能力, 中东和非洲.

“我们在美国的供应链非常强大.S. 特别是大豆、硬红冬小麦和春小麦,”Veru说. “尼日利亚消耗大量硬小麦,我们知道那里有更多的客户希望与CHS这样的皇冠hga010安卓二维码合作,这些皇冠hga010安卓二维码有原产地渠道,可以直接从农场获得高质量的谷物.” 

A chart shows increases in African corn imports are expected to match China.


CHS于2019年底开始与尼日利亚的贸易伙伴扩大客户群,销售额已经达到该国最大的小麦加工厂之一的磨粉需求的65%. The added volume has encouraged the buyer to double mill capacity from 360,000吨至720吨,2023年将达到1000吨. 

“We sell a cargo ship of hard red winter wheat to this customer every month. 一致的小麦品质和物流, 加上交易执行的灵活性, 是发展这一关系的关键,Veru说。. “客户服务对我们来说非常重要,这有助于我们为CHS农场主确保最优惠的价格.” 

Egypt is another key growth country for grain marketed by CHS, increasing purchase volumes in the last 12 months. CHS sold soybeans to Egypt for the first time in 2021, 将部分货物从中国运出,以继续扩大CHS大豆客户群. 

“埃及是一个相当大的豆类市场, importing 4 million to 5 million metric tons annually,Veru解释道. “One of our newest customers in Egypt has a feed mill capacity of 2,每天000公吨 and a soybean crushing plant with capacity of 3,每天000公吨. 通过我们的U.S. 在巴西的足迹和资产, 阿根廷和黑海, we’re able to provide that steady supply of corn and soybeans all year.”


Nigeria and Egypt are just two CHS 市场营销 success stories. 增加对西班牙的出口量, 葡萄牙, 东南亚和拉丁美洲, including opening a new CHS grain 市场营销 office in Mexico City, CHS和农场主还有其他的胜利吗. But do new partners in more countries mean more risk?  

“随着我们扩展到世界其他地区, we are constantly thinking about counterparty risk,Brian Schouvieller说, 高级副总裁, 全球贸易和风险澳门皇冠赌场平台, CHS全球谷物 & 处理. 

“International markets are extremely important to U.S. 农民和CHS花了很多时间, energy and capital ensuring we can participate in those markets safely.”  

当发现新客户时, 他们要经过CHS法律部门的审查, commercial and compliance teams to rate not only their 金融s, 信用历史和国家集中度风险, but whether they will be end users and consistent buyers, 这些销售可能给CHS供应链带来的潜在压力,以及新市场将为农场主创造多少价值.

“从贸易商, originators and international 市场营销 teams to supply chain experts, 金融, 信用和合规团队, CHS之间有强有力的合作,为我们的所有者确保有竞争力的市场机会.” 

A TEMCO employee looks out over the ocean in Kalama, 洗ington.


TEMCO, a grain export joint venture between CHS and Cargill, includes three export terminals in the Pacific Northwest: Kalama and Tacoma, 洗.俄勒冈州的波特兰. 过去一年, CHS提高了供应链效率,以更快的速度从农民和合作社采购更多的粮食. 通过TEMCO合资皇冠hga010安卓二维码, CHS is now the largest exporter of grain from the Pacific Northwest to Asia markets. 

  • 2020-2021年:通过太平洋西北港口的出口量从每月4000万蒲式耳增加到每月5500万蒲式耳
  • TEMCO handled nearly 540 million bushels of grain in fiscal 2021, 高于2020财年的3.31亿蒲式耳 
  • CHS grain market share in the Pacific Northwest is 35%, 最接近的竞争对手占有25%的市场份额 
  • TEMCO distributes grain to 11 countries, including China, Japan and South Korea 


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